Blind Side

About the project

A monologue for young people on the topic of violence against women and girls.

Summer is the only girl on her school football team, and with so much at stake at a crucial cup game, her coach has made her Captain. But her phone just won’t stop pinging as she sits alone in her bedroom. Nasty texts and hurtful comments from those she thought were her friends.

 In this powerful monologue, Summer tells us a story as the clock ticks down to full time and her social media erupts. What has happened to lead her to this point? What decisions will Summer make, and what actions should she take to play on the team of her dreams?

 The monologue is followed by a facilitated discussion.

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Creative Team: Director Parvez Qadir; Writer Nicola Schofield; Dramaturg and Writer Mary Cooper; Producer Jodie Ratcliffe; Actress Lizzie Wilde; Facilitator Joshua Miles; Sound Designer Tariq Emam.

With thanks to Tameside Police, and all of the schools and organisations who have guided the creation of this piece through workshops, focus groups and discussions on the topic of VAWG.

Image credit: Louisa Mayman.